Beyond My Boundaries

Welcome! I am 65 and this is my first year of retirement. My husband, Lee, just retired too and right out of the gate, we are moving to Albuquerque, NM via a year long house trade that we arranged over the internet. I came from the midwest to Oregon in 1970 and have lived in OR for more than 40 years. I've been teaching English as a 2nd language for the last 10 years. Retirement will be a major life change, and ABQ will be a major cultural and climatological change, so I want to keep notes. These notes are for me, but you are welcome to read them and add your own thoughts.

Portland, OR Skyline

Portland, OR Skyline

A view of Sandia Mountain in NM

A view of Sandia Mountain in NM

Sunday, July 10, 2011

On the way to Baker City

We headed out of Portland on I-84 along the Columbia River. Once we passed the end of the Columbia Gorge at the Dalles, the scenery transformed from imposing rock walls and conifers into rolling hills, dotted with graceful wind farms, and covered by dried yellow grassland and grey-green sage brush. Bare, wrinkled foothills framed the scene. The cloistered feeling of the lushly forested Willamette Valley was gone, replaced by open, unrestrained landscape. The trip was underway. We’ve planned 4 nights along the route: the Bridgeview Inn in Baker City, Oregon, The Avon House ( in Avon Utah, and 2 nights at the Kokopelli Inn in Moab, Utah where, depending on how well the cats are doing, we may stay over a day.

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