Beyond My Boundaries

Welcome! I am 65 and this is my first year of retirement. My husband, Lee, just retired too and right out of the gate, we are moving to Albuquerque, NM via a year long house trade that we arranged over the internet. I came from the midwest to Oregon in 1970 and have lived in OR for more than 40 years. I've been teaching English as a 2nd language for the last 10 years. Retirement will be a major life change, and ABQ will be a major cultural and climatological change, so I want to keep notes. These notes are for me, but you are welcome to read them and add your own thoughts.

Portland, OR Skyline

Portland, OR Skyline

A view of Sandia Mountain in NM

A view of Sandia Mountain in NM

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Trying it on - Fiona is dreaming of Albuquerque and so are we.

A few months ago Lee subscribed to "New Mexico Magazine" and we've been devouring every issue. This is the correct verb because food is always a focus. This month featured a Salsa contest with lots of recipes. Tonight we were inspired by a recipe for pineapple salsa. We had skewered and grilled some veggies a few days ago, and this was a good way to use up the left-overs. The house that we are trading to is only 4 blocks to La Montanita Food Co-op and this dinner made us eager to have more time to cook fresh.
Pineapple and avocado salsa:
3/4 c of julienned fresh pineapple. (Choose one whose skin is yellow and the fruit is very sweet.)
1 small jalapeno (diced)
2 TB of minced yellow onion
1 c of diced heirloom tomato
1/4 c of grilled green pepper
2 green onions with stems - minced
1 small ripe avocado
1/4 c parsley - minced
4 large leaves of fresh basil - minced
juice from 1/2 lime
a dash sea salt

Turkey filling:
1 TB of olive oil
3/4 lb Turkey tenderloin cut into quarter sized medallions
1 large tomato diced
the remainder of our grilled onion, green pepper, and 1 roma tomato
3 cloves garlic - macerated
8 leaves red chard with stems - chopped
a handful of fresh basil - chopped

Heat the oil in a large skillet over high heat. Add the turkey and cook until lightly browned. Add the garlic, mix, and then add the rest of the veggies and basil. Cook about 10 minutes over a lowered heat.

Put tortillas in a tortilla warmer and nuke for about 1 minute to soften. Serve with large leaves of washed lettuce. Fill a tortilla with the turkey mix, top with salsa, fold and use the lettuce in the crack to keep the goodies from falling out. 

You could top this with yogurt or sour cream, but all these fresh veggies can stand alone!

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